Conditioning for Golf

We include all aspects of bodywork

The focus varies from increasing flexibility and balance to enhancing coordination, speed and power. This means that for each person, the specific issues vary in spite of the focus being the great game of golf.

Coordinated movement exercise lets you increase the involvement of a particular muscle in motor sequences related to a more or less complex series of actions, such as a golf swing. Coordination will include various aspects, such as speed and power. All physical routines (riding posture, tennis serve, various dance turns, etc.) require specific training. However, underlying all the routines are primary coordinated or pre-movements that the others build on, acquiring them will let you access the most varied techniques. Movement, coordination essentially, activates muscle in a smooth neuromotor operation.

The Pilates method builds strength in the core whilst simultaneously improving flexibility, coordination and focus, all factors that are essential to a natural golf swing.
